My PiC!!

My PiC!!

Sunday 19 September 2010

LaSt B4 Aq BlKla..hehe da nak blk da..
jap ag nak g c-ap..
kat bawah mak we a.k.a maklong aq..belh ayah..dyowg dtg ryew..
along+bini+ank2 dye and abg without bini dye..
bini dye bwu lps lahirkan baby..pempuan..
mlz gler nk blk..
cedey siutt..ish..ish..ish
mak aq da jnji nk g coolblog b4 blk nie..hehe
mlm nie time prep da set ngan akem nk stud sesame..etmet ngn chemist..
benrny c-ap an omwek yg x wt lgsung..hekekeke
aq ne penh c-ap omwek awl..
memg bkn aq la klu c-ap omwek awl uh..
bese r..dq degelll!!!

aish!asek2 x dpt post pic lg r..len kali kowt..
blk lu my lovely blog..ngekekeke..
idop mesti gempak as well our result..ngeeee..

peach no war babe!!!..

Saturday 18 September 2010

RaYe Da NaK BeRLaLu!!CeDeYNyE..

da lame aq x wat post an..time pose un aq x wat..skunk nie da nak abezz cuti skewl da..Omwek??..guees what??..of cozla..suci+murni mcm wk2 bwu bwk blk ari2..hehe..eck da blk skewl..hish!!bert btl atie aq nak tinggl an ke'comfort'an umah nie..

kt c-ni aq nk post pic famly aq time raya taw ad owg jelezznye rr..hehe..sjew2 nak koyok2..

hish..wt prob plk komp.nie..bkn prob fathi 2 taw..hehe..len kali jew la.. x de rezkila..

Sunday 5 September 2010

LoVe PoEm!!

It doesn't take a reason to love someone,

but it does to like someone. You don't love
someone because you want to, you love someone
because you are destined too. It's because you
fall in Love with them, that you then try to
find a reason, but you always come up with
the answer, No reason!

"I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of song?
 Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroken;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend."
-- Longfellow

SwEeT WoRd To A SwEeT PeRsOn!!

If I could write you a simple poem,
I'd use the best word to describe how wonderful you are to me..
If I could write a story about you,
it's because I want the whole to know how much you mean to me and how much you've changed my life..
If I could write you a dictionary,
It'd be with all the words and reasons why I love you..
And most of all,
If I could write you something short and sweet,it'd say
"Baby you're amazing"..

KiSaH CiNtA KoPi MaSiN!!

Dia baru sahaja tamat belajar sebagai seorang doktor di UK. Masih bujang dan tercari-cari seorang isteri sebagai teman hidup. Pada suatu hari, ketika sedang minum di sebuah kedai kopi berdekatan dengan sebuah ma'had tahfiz di Lembah Beringin bersama seorang rakannya yang hafaz Quran, dia terpandang seorang gadis yang sungguh cantik. Dengan wajahnya yang tenang dan penampilan solehah, gadis itu sungguh menawan. Si doktor dan si gadis bertentangan mata, tetapi dengan segera kedua-duanya mengalihkan pandangan mereka.
"Astaghfirullah", bisik doktor itu perlahan. Dia sedar itu panahan syaitan. Si gadis sedang minum-minum bersama dua orang rakannya. Subhanallah, indah sungguh ciptaan Allah ini! Secara tiba-tiba si doktor menjadi gugup, berdebar-debar dan serba tidak kena. Ingin sahaja dia menyunting gadis ini sebagai isterinya.
Doktor tersebut berbisik kepada rakannya yang hafaz Quran itu,"kau kenalkah gadis itu?"
“Kenal. Dia sungguh berbudi bahasa.Dan masih belum berpunya lagi”, jawab rakannya sambil tersenyum memahami. Aduh, bertambah guguplah doktor muda ini!
Tiba-tiba, datang pelayan meminta order, dan dia secara spontan berkata
"Berikan saya kopi masin!"

Semua orang memandang dan melihat aneh kepadanya, termasuklah rakannya, pelayan dan gadis tersebut. Mukanya mendadak menjadi merah, tetapi dia tetap tidak mengubah pesanannya, dan setelah kopinya sampai, dia terus meminumnya.
Kehairanan, rakannya bertanya "Mengapa kopimu mesti masin, sahabatku?"
"Saat aku masih kecil, aku tinggal di tepi laut. Aku sangat suka bermain-main di laut, di situlah tempatnya aku dapat rasakan air laut....masin dan pahit. Sama seperti rasa kopi ini" jawab lelaki ini.
Tanpa disedari, gadis cantik yang duduk di meja bersebelahan, mendengar kata-kata si doktor tersebut. Gadis ini terharu. Itu adalah hal yang sungguh menyentuh hati. Perasaan yang begitu dalam dari seorang lelaki yang mengungkap kerinduan akan kampung halamannya. Dia pasti seorang yang menyintai dan begitu mengambil berat akan rumah dan keluarganya. Dia pasti mempunyai rasa tanggungjawab akan tempat tinggal dan orang tuanya. Jika dia seorang abang, pastinya dia seorang yang sanggat menyayangi adik-adiknya. Bertuahlah siapa yang menjadi isterinya.
Setelah peristiwa tersebur, si doktor ini meminta rakannya merisik gadis tersebut. Pucuk dicita, ulam mendatang. Setelah mengetahui rombongan merisik adalah mewakili lelaki yang ditemuinya di kedai kopi tempohari, si gadis yang pada ketika itu hampir tamat pengajian di ma'had tahfiz, menerima si doktor ini sebagai teman hidupnya dengan hati terbuka.
Seperti kisah cinta yang indah, Allah mengurniakan ketenangan di dalam rumah tangga mereka. Mereka hidup bahagia, saling menyanyangi antara satu sama lain, walaupun tidak mengenali antara satu sama lain sebelum ini. Cinta yang berputik setelah perkahwinan, terus kembang mekar seiring dengan ketaatan mereka kepada Yang Maha Pencipta. Dan setiap kali si isteri membuatkan secawan kopi buat suaminya, dia tidak lupa membubuh sedikit garam di dalamnya, kerana dia tahu, itulah kesukaan suaminya.
Setelah 40 tahun hidup bersama, si suami meninggal dunia. Dia meningalkan sepucuk surat buat isterinya.
"Sayangku, sepanjang tempoh kehidupan kita bersama, abang telah sentiasa jujur terhadapmu, tetapi maafkan abang untuk satu perkara. Maafkan kebohongan yang telah abang buat sepanjang hidup abang. Inilah satu-satunya kebohongan abang kepadamu - tentang kopi masin. Kamu ingatkah di saat kita pertama kali bertemu? Pada ketika abang sedang minum kopi dengan Ustaz Syakir, di maahad? Abang sangat gugup pada ketika itu. Sebenarnya abang inginkan kopi manis. Tetapi abang telah tersebut kopi masin. Waktu itu abang ingin batalkannya, tetapi abang terlalu gugup di hadapanmu ketika itu, maka abang biarkan sahaja. Abang tidak pernah menyangka itu akan menjadi awal perkenalan kita. Abang telah mencuba untuk mengatakan hal yang sebenarnya kepadamu..abang telah mencuba beberapa kali sepanjang hidup abang...tetapi abang tak sanggup melukakan hatimu..

Sekarang saat kamu membaca surat ini, abang sudah tiada. Tidak ada lagi yang perlu abang bimbangkan, maka abang akan menyatakan ini kepadamu: Abang tidak menyukai kopi masin. Tapi sejak mengenalimu, abang selalu minum kopi masin yang kamu buatkan sepanjang hidup abang. Dapat berada di sampingmu adalah kebahagiaan terbesar dalam hidup abang. Jika abang punya kesempatan untuk menjalani kehidupan sekali lagi, abang akan tetap berusaha mengenalimu dan menjadikanmu sebagai isteri abang walaupun abang harus minum kopi masin sekali lagi."
Sambil membaca, air matanya membasahi surat itu.
Suatu hari, seseorang telah bertanya kepadanya,"Bagaimana rasa kopi yang masin?"

Dia dengan pastinya menjawab,"Rasanya manis sekali"
Begitulah kisah bahtera cinta yang antara dua insan,

Dalam pelayaran menuju cinta Tuhan.

Wallahu a’lam.

WhEn ThE MoOn FaLL iN LoVe!!

There’s a quote from Yasmin Ahmad’s Talentime that I love the most. It sounds like this;

" If the Moon can linger in the morning so bright, why can’t the Sun do the same at night? "

As I was walking back from my clinical rotation in Bons Secours Hospital today, the day was very beautiful and sunny, so I looked up to the blue sky spotted with white fluffy clouds to enjoy every moment of it and I realized the moon is still there not even hiding behind the clouds at 11.30 a.m.

And so I remembered the quote from the movie and yes, it’s true. The Moon even lingers up till noon when the day is very sunny. But it would not even appear on a gloomy rainy day when the Sun is hiding not showing himself. So I started to have this kind of imagination and fantasy about the Sun and the Moon.

For me, I always think, the Sun as a male as it portrays the Masculine features of strong, bright but sometimes could be very vulnerable. The Moon on the other hand is the female, with endless beauty, very serene to look at but could be very lonely. They made a very good and perfect couple, like it was destined from Heaven.
Have you ever thought that the Sun and the Moon are actually lovers?

Why not?

I mean because the Sun and the Moon are just like Adam and Eve. Without the Sun, the Moon will never exist to us as it only reflected the light from the Sun. So did Eve who was made from Adam’s rib, created to fill the spaces between Adam’s fingers. What a lovely couple the Sun and the Moon are, just like how lovely Adam and Eve were. Both couples were created in Heaven to shine upon all the mankind. It’s just that the love of the Sun and the Moon existed much longer before the love of Adam and Eve and their love persisted until today.

If the love of Adam and Eve is brought down from one generation to the next and the love breed filling every corner of the earth from the seed of love of Adam and Eve, the Sun and the Moon is different. Their love existed from the beginning of the world till the Day of Judgment and it will never change and it will never breed. Human’s Love blossoms from loyalty but can be full of cheat, treacherous and bitter to each other. But the Sun and the Moon always loyal to each other since the dawn of time up till now. Their love just never fades away like our love. That is the true power of Love.

Sadly, the Sun and the Moon live in separation. Never be able to live together like we did. No matter how strong their love is, they are not destined to be together in this lifetime. The Sun will appear on the day to shine on the mankind but the Moon can only appear in the night to entertain the heartbroken ones. One day the Moon said to the Sun;

“Oh my Love, you shine on the humans and made them happy for the rest of the day, and I will entertain them and give them a sense of peace and happiness in the night while they are making love, but truly I am lonely myself. You are never in my company. Will we be able to hold hands together like the human did?”

And so the Sun replied;

“Oh my Dear, I’m not trying to shine on them, but rather I’m shining my love on you so that you are not lonely. My light will make you glow beautifully and your beauty will make every eyes of the girls filled with envy and jealousy. We live in a world apart but I will always shine my love for you forever until The Lord Almighty bring us together in the Heaven.”

The Moon is satisfied with the answer but never content with it. She loves the Sun so much that it is unbearable for her to live in separation.
One day, the Moon thought to herself, my heart must never falter and I must be strong in order to be with the Sun. From today on, I will linger on the sky until morning just to see the Sun even if it’s only for a while. The Moon was trying to show and prove her endless love to the Sun. So she stays every morning until noon just to have a brief moment with the Sun even her light is never the same as the night time. Her beauty is fading by the morning and she is sad that she cannot show the Sun her beauty. Even both of them appear on the same morning, they can only look at each other from a distant. They can never be closed enough to hold hands or to embrace each other tightly. Even so, the Moon was very happy because they got to see each other. Sadly for the Sun, he can only see the pale face of the Moon starring at him every morning, not that brightly glowing and the beautiful Moon. So the Sun asked the Moon;

"Oh my Love, why do you look so pale and sad?"

The Moon replied;

“Oh my Love, I’m sad because I can’t be with you and above of all, I’m pale because you are shinning so bright. You showered me with so much love that it caused me so much pain just to think that I’m not with you.”

The Sun is confused so he asked the Moon;

“Oh my Love, do you want me reduce my love for you so that you can light up the morning sky with your glow and smile?”

Listening to that, the Moon said quickly;

"Oh my Love, Never. If you don’t shine your love on me then I will forever be in the dark even at night and the scar on me will never heal.”

So the Sun and the Moon continue to live like that. The Sun will shine the earth every day and when the night comes, the lonely Moon will try to cast the loneliness of the humans away. They got to see each other every morning and then they’ll be separated again. So the Moon is becoming greedier. She longs for the Sun every moment and watching him from a far every morning is not enough anymore.

So, the Moon asked the Sun again;

"Oh my Love, If I can linger in the morning so bright, why can't you do the same at night? If you are present at night, I can always show you my beauty."

Hearing to the question, the Sun becomes clueless and don’t have the answer himself. He also wonders why can’t he shine at night. After giving some thought about it, the Sun replied;

"Oh my dear, have you forgotten the Words of Allah from the Holy Book of Al-Quran?"

So the Sun recited a verse of Al-Quran from Az-Zumar verse 5.

He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night. and He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each running (on a fixed course) for an appointed term. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.

Listening to the verse, the Moon burst into tears and asked for Forgiveness from the Lord Almighty as she was trying to defy the rules of creation. Allah has made their destiny as so. She realizes that she could never be together with her beloved Sun. All she can do is to watch him from a far with pale, and sad eyes.
To ease the sadness of the Moon, the Sun then recited a verse from Al-Qiyamah, verse 9.

...and the sun and moon will be joined together (by going one into the other or folded up or deprived of their light).

“Oh My Love, there will be time when we will be together. Please be patient",the Sun said.

So the Moon and the Sun has been waiting and waiting until the Lord Almighty wishes them to meet each other.

The Sun and The Moon’s love is a very tragic love. Loving each other but never able to be together. There’s always that kind of love in this life that will never be able to be together in this world and surely Allah will grant your love wishes in the Heaven. Fate is in the Hand of Allah and Destiny is Allah’s haq for his servants. There will be time when your love will be realized. If Dunia Cinta is not for you, then Syurga Cinta is waiting for you. Adam and Eve met in Jabal Rahmah after years of searching and Allah fulfilled their love wishes. Just like the Sun and the Moon. Their love is destined to be together on the Day of Judgment. Allah has promised in Al-Qiyamah, when the Day of Judgment occurred is the time when the Sun and the Moon will meet. Oddly for them, in the chaos of the end of the world is the time for them to be happy forever.

For the love that is never to be realized in this world, I’m praying to God to give us the strength to be patient until the love comes to realize in the Paradise full of Happiness. Just wait like how the Sun and the Moon has been waiting for each other from the beginning of the world until the End of the World. Whenever you are tired of waiting, think of how long the Sun and the Moon have been waiting.
Remember Allah’s promise to those who are patient;

And those who remain patient, seeking their Lord’s Countenance, perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and spend out of that which We have bestowed on them, secretly and openly, and defend evil with good, for such there is a good end. (Ar-Rad, 22)

And also, for the unmarried couple who are so in love with each other, there’s a boundary of which you can’t cross. Never to touch what is not yours. Never take it too far until you are lost with love of lust until it became Nafsu Cinta. Just like the Moon and the Sun, they wait with patient for the time, so you should do the same. Your time will come when you tie the knot and you can touch whatever that is yours. Love is a form of Test from Allah. The lovey dovey thing would be for nothing and fruitless if it’s not purify with Ikhlas only for Allah’s sake. You want to harvest the sweetest fruit (pious children) coming out of your love. If you fail the test of love, then you would not reach the Paradise, do you? Patient is definitely what being tested in love. And those who are pious should be able to excel the test well. First Class Honors maybe.

Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are As-Sabirun (the patient)? (Ali-Imran, 142)

A woman is only halal for you when you marry her. Even if you change your Facebook status countless time, announcing you are now in relationship with that girl or that boy, nothing ever changes between you and her. Both of you remains ‘Haram’ for each other. So does engagement. Engagement would not automatically says she is ultimately yours. As I said before, marriage is the only way that you and your loved ones can act, live and love as a couple.

Allah also said in Al-Quran :

Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils) ~ (Al-Isra’, 32)

And the Prophet described what is the form adultery from the Hadith.

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: I did not see anything so resembling minor sins as what Abu Huraira said from the Prophet, who said, “Allah has written for the son of Adam his inevitable share of adultery whether he is aware of it or not: The adultery of the eye is the looking (at something which is sinful to look at), and the adultery of the tongue is to utter (what it is unlawful to utter), and the innerself wishes and longs for (adultery) and the private parts turn that into reality or refrain from submitting to the temptation.” (Sahih Bukhari)

Love is a funny thing, can be dangerous, can be tricky, can be a-long-tiring-endless-waiting, but if you love the right way you will surely touch the Heaven of Earth and the Heaven in the Hereafter.

Saturday 4 September 2010


Sesungguhnya kejadianmu terlalu unik,tercipta dari tulang rusuk Adam yang bengkok menghiasi taman-taman indah lantas menjadi perhatian sang
kumbang.Kau umpama sekuntum bunga,harum aromamu bias menarik sang kumbang untuk mendekatimu.Namun...tidak semua bunga senang didekati sang

kumbang lantaran duri yg memagari diri,umpama mawar merah,dari jauh sudah terhidu keharumannya.Penahan warnanya yg terselah indah mengundang kekaguman kepada sang kumbang berfikir beberapa kali untuk mendekatinya.

Aku suka sekiranya kau seperti mawar aspirasi setiap mujahadah.Bentengilah kubu dirimu dengan perasaan MALU YG BERTUNJANGKAN KEIMANAN DAN KEINDAHAN TAKWA KEPADA ALLAH...HiASILAH WAJAHMU dengan titisan wuduk.INGATlAH CIRI-CIRI SEORANG WANITA SOLEHAH IALAH DIA TIDAK MELIHAT LELAKI DAN LELAKI TIDAK MELIHAT KEPADANYA.Sesuatu yg tertutup itu lebih berharga jika

dibandingkan dengan sesuatu yg terdedah,umpama sebutir permata yg didedahkan untuk perhatian umum dengan suatau permata yg diletakkan dalam bekas

tertutup.Sudah pasti keinginan naluri lebih kuat untuk meliaht sesuatau yg tersembunyi,melebihi sesuatu yg terdedah.WANITA SOLEHAHyg patuh dan

taat kepada AL-Khaliq dalam melayari liku-liku kehidupannya adalah harapan setiap insan yg bernama Adam.Namun segalanya memerlukan pengorbanan dan

mujahadah yg tinggi kerana bertentangan dengan nafsu serakah yg bersarang dalam dirimu.Lebih-lebih lagi dgn title gadisyg engkau miliki,sudah pasti

darah mudamu mencabar rasa keimanan yg ada.Namun ingatlah gadisku...sesiapa yg inginkan kebaikan,maka Allah akamn memudahkan jalan-jalan baginya ke

arah itu.Yang penting gadiskuengkau miliki azam,usaha,dan istiqamah..


Akuilah dirimu menjadi fitnah kpd kebanyakan lelaki.Seandainya PAKAIAN MALUMU KAU TANGGALKAN DARI TUBUHMU,maka sudah tidak ada perisai yg dapat membetengimu.Sesungguhnya Nabi ada mengatakan bahaya dirimu"tidak ada suatu fitnah yang lebih besar,yg lebih bermaharajalela selepas wafatku terhadap kaum lelaki selain fitnah yg berpunca dari kaum wanita."Oleh itu gadisku,setiap langkah dan tindakanmu hendaklah berpaksikan al-Quran

dan As-Sunah.Jgn biarkan sekali sesiapa mengeksploitasikan dirimu untuk kepentingan tertentu.Seseungguhnya Allah Taala telah mengangkat martabatmu

setaraf kaum Adam.Kau harapan ummah dalam melahirkan para mujahid dan mujahidah yg bakal menggocang dunia dgn sentuhan lembut tanganmu.

Dalam hidupmu engkau ingin menyayangi dan disayangi.Itulah fitrah semulajadi setiap insan,namun ramai antara kaummu yg tewas kerana CINTA....bercinta

tidak salah,tetapi memuja cinta itu salah.Ini adalah kerana,KERANA CINTA MANUSIA SANGGUP MENJUAL AGAMA DAN KERANA CINTA MARUAH TERGADAI.Gejala murtad serta keruntuhan moral muda-mudi sebahagian besarnya kerana cinta.Benarlah SABDA RASULULLAH SAW MEMBAWA MAKSUD,"Sesungguhnya cinta itu buta"Cinta itu mampu membutakan mata dan hatimu dalam membezakan perkara yg hak dan

batil, jika engkau meletakkan cinta itu atas dasar nafsu semata-mata dan bukan kerana ALLAHSWT.Sebelum engkau mendekati cinta,cintailah dirimu

terlebih dahulu.Cintailahdirimu yg unik itu dgn mengkaji hakikat kejadianmu yg begitu simbolik.Asal kejadian dari setittis air yg tidak berharga,lalu

mengalami proses pembetukan yg sempurna hasil rencana ALLAH.Semoga perasaan sebegitu dapat melahirkan rasa keagungan dan kehebatan terhadap ALLAH dan dgn itu,akan timbul CINTADAN KASIHMU TERHADAP PENCIPTAMU..



Friday 3 September 2010

LoVe LeTtEr!!

Dalam minggu lalu aku ada terbaca artikel berkenaan posmen dalam akhbar NST. Penulis artikel tu mungkin dalam umur 50an sebab dia menceritakan pengalamannya di zaman surat dan posmen adalah dua benda popular ketika itu.

Walaupun aku tidak pernah merasa zaman tu, tapi sewaktu membaca artikel tu, aku dapat bayangkan betapa seronoknya melihat posmen datang membawakan surat. Aku juga dapat bayangkan betapa hampanya bila penulis tu katakan posmen yang datang tidak membawakan surat untuknya.

Kini posmen dan surat bukan lagi sesuatu yang popular. Ada orang yang mungkin dalam setahun tidak pernah melihat posmen menjalankan tugas. Ada juga orang, termasuklah aku yang tidak pernah menulis surat walaupun sekali dalam hidupnya kecuali surat rasmi.

Semua tahu yang menulis surat telah digantikan dengan SMS, chat, email dan telefon. Teknologi kini lebih mudah dan ringkas daripada menulis surat.

Apapun, bila aku fikir-fikirkan, teknologi kini tidak pernah dapat menandingi kehebatan surat. Surat ada seni dan surat lebih lengkap isi kandungannya yang mana perasaan yang kita berikan semasa menulis surat itu sampai lebih tepat kepada penerimanya.

Sayang sekali bila suatu benda yang hebat sudah semakin pupus ditelan zaman.


Beberapa hari yang lalu, setelah bosan melayan DVD dan bermain Facebook, aku melakukan blogwalk setelah sekian lama tidak berbuat demikian. Dari satu blog ke satu blog lain aku melompat tetapi tidak meninggalkan jejak.

Akhirnya, aku singgah ke satu blog milik seorang gadis. Apabila aku baca entri gadis berkenaan, rupa-rupanya entri tersebut adalah dikhaskan untuk seseorang. Ia seumpama Love Letter yang bukan dalam bentuk surat ataupun boleh dikenali sebagai Love Letter moden.

Sedang aku membaca 'Love Letter' berkenaan, terdetik dalam hati aku, "Sweetnya... macam ni ler rasanya menerima surat daripada seseorang".

Walaupun 'Love Letter' itu bukan untuk aku tapi aku dapat rasakan apa yang cuba disampaikan oleh penulis berkenaan hinggakan aku terasa, "Kalaulah aku dapat Love Letter macam ni daripada seorang gadis..."

Kalaulah aku betul-betul menerima Love Letter macam tu dan gadis tersebut aku minati, rasanya habis ja membaca, aku mungkin akan melompat-lompat toing! toing! dengan penuh kegembiraan.

Aku rasa 24 jam sehari dan 7 hari seminggu aku akan melompat toing! toing! tanpa henti.

Berjalan aku melompat toing! toing!

Duduk pun melompat toing! toing!

Sambil kerja tertoing! toing!

Makan dalam keadaan toing! toing!

Tidur toing! toing!

Pokoknya aku jadi toing! toing atau nama saintifiknya 'Angau Toing! Toing!' sebab bukan senang dapat Love Letter atau Love Letter Moden daripada seorang gadis. Apa lagi pada zaman kini. Harus dihargai.


A smile is a funny thing..
It light up your faces..
And when it gone..
you'll never find..
It's secret hiding place..

    But for more wonderful it is..
    To see what smile can do..
    You smile at me,I smile at you..
    And so one smile makes two..
The magic shining through..
Smile from your heart..
And the world will smile at you..