My PiC!!

My PiC!!

Sunday 13 March 2011

ThE bLiNd GirL!!

Salam and greeting..
da lame aq x update blog nie an..da b'sawang da..
cyan at ko an blog..
x pe..arinie aq nk kongsi ttg cter seorang gdis yg bute..

tersebutlah alkisah........jengjengjeng...:)

   There was a blind girl who hates herself just because was blind..She hated everyone except her loving boyfriend..
   He was always there for her..She said that if she could only see the world..she would marry her boyfriend..

   One day..someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything including her boyfriend..

   Her boyfriend asked her..

 "now that you can see the world,will you marry me..?"

   The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too,and refuse to marry him..

   Her boyfriend walked away in tears..and later wrote a letter to her and saying..

   "Just take care of my eyes dear..I'll always love you forever.."

p/s: X kenang budinye budq..cyan laki 2..bkn seng nk cari lki cm
 2 skunk nie..