My PiC!!

My PiC!!

Sunday 20 March 2011

WaT I'm GoNnA To TeLL U???

de day has come....u want to know wat this all about?? time to go back to school.....aaaaaaaaaaaaa....

aq 'rajin' gle dowh nak d skewl...dala my omwek not finish yet..but basic thing i had already settle it down..come to think about omwek not too much just i'm to lazy to do it...yes3...i admit i'm not a very pretty hardworking gurl..but smart tu adala..angkat bkul cndiri lak an..btw,if i don't angkt the bkul by myself..who will angkat dye 4 me.right???

papew un...i will miss u so much umah...isk...isk...isk..
sedeynye..blk skewl bykla kjew aq..

p i'm glad to back to de skewl coz i will see my fwen each other..oooh God...i'm damn miss ' nak cter arietu aq g r umah akq aq at kL..mak aq kecoh nk g macjid ikowt r..kitowg g m.india uh nek lrt...perg ramai gler owg..

btw..that not my point..bile nak blk bjet rr cm taw sume tpt at c2..bkn cm my sister mengekor ayah aq da bli ticket lrt 2..ramai la b'impit2 tuk nek..tetibe ad sowg mamat cina nie tegur aq..

"miss,this is 1st time i using a lrt around KL..can u help me??which direction should i take to go to Bukit Jalil.."

aq da la owg bwu kt c2 and bpew kali jewla aq nek Lrt..ckp inggeris un t'gagap2 lg..
ag un reply..


cine 2 pndg aq smcm jew..

"org nie x taw cmne nk g b.jalilla yah.."

ayah aq un reply at cine uh..

"i think u should go de other directionla"

aq pk blk pew yg ayh aq ckp..lau go de other direction wt pew kounter uh jual tket kt cni..mse ayh aq xplain uh..dye pndg at mslah dye nie..

bile dlm train uh..bwu ayah aq kte..

"rse ea salah kowt direction yg ayh bg td uh..memang nek sni sbnrnye.."

peh..senang gler ckp an..btw..soe r ea mamat cyan cgt at ko..tambah2 muke ko ncem plk tu...hahaha...gatal:) 

bubye..c u cti next time

p/s:aq wndu sme org d cne???